I’m Moving to Indiana, Land of Freedom

I’m Moving to Indiana, Land of Freedom

By now we’ve all heard about Indiana’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Law, which

says that the state cannot “substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion” unless it is furthering a “compelling government interest”

And already we have the First Church of Cannabis moving in on the grounds that pot is a sacrament in their religion, and is less dangerous than alcohol, which is legal even in Indiana, so the government doesn’t have a compelling interest in stopping them.

But why stop at goofy, ad hoc recently-invented religions? I keep being told that atheism is a religion (also here, here, here) and that atheists can’t know right from wrong (also here, here, here, here). So obviously Indiana’s Religious Freedom law says that I can do pretty much whatever I want.

I can double-park. I can pee on the lawn in front of the capitol in Indianapolis. I can bring outside food to baseball games. I can fail to pick up my dog’s poop. There is no end to the debauchery I am permitted in Indiana.

I’ll let you know when to start collecting boxes for me.

One thought on “I’m Moving to Indiana, Land of Freedom

  1. Yeah, but you’d have to live in Indiana. That’s a sentence right there.

  2. Hey, that’s cheating!

    Oh, wait, atheist, you can totally do that. All hail debauchery and cheating. šŸ™‚

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