Pat Robertson’s God Is A Pussy

Pat Robertson’s God Is A Pussy

After his call to assassinate Hugo Chavez and his claim that the residents of Dover, PA rejected God, now Pat Robertson is saying that God caused Ariel Sharon’s stroke. Which, I think, puts him in the same category as Howard Stern, Marilyn Manson, and Bill O’Reilly, since it’s obvious he’s just saying whatever will rile people up and get him some attention.

But on the off chance that he’s off his meds and really means what he says, what kind of god is this? A being who created cubic megarparsecs of space and billions of years of time, yet is petty enough to care about a few square miles of desert on our planet. One who’s vindictive enough to cause a man grievous bodily harm instead of explaining his position rationally. And finally, he’s a pussy who won’t come out and show himself.

I’m sorry, but that’s not a being worthy of worship.

One thought on “Pat Robertson’s God Is A Pussy

  1. i am in a category 3 hurricane right now and i can tell you if this is all that he has to give god is a pussy, i have been calling him out for hours telling him to give me all he has and he has responded with weak winds and spit for rain, and i am on a boat which should sustain most of hurricane damage, god is a pussy!!!

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