We Know You’re Guilty 2: Ohio Edition

The Toledo Blade is reporting:

An Ohio legislative panel yesterday rubber-stamped an unprecedented process that would allow sex offenders to be publicly identified and tracked even if they’ve never been charged with a crime.

(emphasis added.)

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Subpontibian: The Church of Ann Coulter

NewsMax has a review of Ann Coulter’s new tome, Godless: the Church of Liberalism.

I think we can now dispense with any silly ideas about Coulter being anything other than a troll who’s made a successful career by making the most outrageous statements imaginable to offend as many people as possible. What surprises me is how few people are willing to call her on it. Surely she can’t possibly believe this, can she?

(Warning: Turn off your irony-meters before proceeding. Management is not responsible for any damage done by exploding irony-meter shrapnel.)
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It’s Getting Hard to Tell the Creationists and the Onion Apart

Remember this article from The Onion?:


LAS VEGAS — At its annual national conference Saturday, the American Association of Vegans and Vegetarians released results of a detailed in-house study determining that the common beef cow is actually a plant, 100 percent fit for vegetarian consumption.

“Contrary to what was previously thought, the cow is not a higher form of animal life, capable of thinking and feeling pain,” announced AAVV spokeswoman Denise Chalmers to the large crowd. “Rather, we have found it to be a harmless, non-sentient form of plant life, utterly incapable of experiencing the slightest pain or simplest thought.”

Chalmers then passed around a large tray of dripping red meat, which the vegetarians in attendance ravenously devoured, feverishly licking the bloody juice from their fingers.

Compare that to this bit of masturbiblation (also this one), which shows that squid aren’t alive. I can only assume that future episodes will prove that up is down, black is white, and that the Babel Fish is definitive proof of the nonexistence of God.

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What’s the Difference Between Bill Dembski and An Apple?

The apple has a much thicker skin.

I refer you to this series of comments in Bill’s weblog: Read More

Aluminum Foil Hats May Be Government Conspiracy, Study Shows

A group of researchers at MIT has investigated the ability of aluminum foil helmets to block radio transmissions, and noticed something startling: some frequencies are actually amplified by the foil chapeau.

Go read it and look at the pictures.

(Hat tip to Dick C. in t.o for the pointer.)